How to Maintain Jaw Crusher in Idle Time

How to Maintain Jaw Crusher in Idle Time


Jaw crusher is a large machine,and it needs lubrication to reduce the abrasion of the spare parts and daily rusty. When the crushing machine used for a long time,it will be easier to be influnenced by the weather.To makw sure that the jaw crusher will be normal after a while.During the unused peirod,how to do the maintainence.See the suggetions from Luoyang Dahua Heavy Type Machinery Co.,Ltd. as follows: 

Firstly:Because the jaw crusher is made of steel,so the basic maintainence is to keep it from rusting.First of all,keep the jaw crusher paint well.And lubricate the spare parts to avoid rusting.

Secondly:keep the equipment safely.Try to keep the crusher dry to avoid rusting.At the same time,cover the equipment and avoid raining and dust. Check and clean the machine before storing it.Check the inner side of the crushing cavity clean or not.Clean the spare parts and discharge the cooling water.The oil of the moter need to be changed too.And fill the funeral tank full of oil to avoid rusting.